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.The Abyss.

"The road to change is painful, and the road back into the light can sometimes be still kind of dark.." `Siang

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Saturday, July 02, 2005

A tear rolled down my cheek when I was watching a HK drama on SCV yesterday. Here's a summary of what happened. Ella is a student in a design school and she has just designed a gown as her graduating piece. Endless of hard work, tears, effort has gone into making this gown and it is this gown that she is banking on to get her the scholarship to a prestigous design school. So, she won the scholarship and was told to be early for the presentation the next morning. She was on her way with 2 of her friends when another called to say she left an important document at the theatre where the graduation ceremony was held before. Thinking they still had time left, and it'll be easier to search with 4 people, the 3 of them went to help, and found the document. Alas, the lift they were in broke down and by the time, they freed themselves, the scholarship had already been presented to the Silver award winner. She broke down and cry, and at that time, somehow, I could feel that sense of anguish and heartbrokeness. The feeling of losing something that you wanted so much and worked so hard for. The feeling of so near, and yet so far. It was so painful to watch her go on her knees and cry.

What is life all about? What do we work so hard for? I've always wondered how it is like to be forced to grow up immediately because of circumstances. How does one pick oneself up, and get use to the change? What does it take for that someone not to succumb to the pitfall of self-pity, self-destruction? How many can actually grow up, and grow up well? How many can actually overcome the circumstances and not be overcomed by the circumstances? What does it take? Is it all about the choices and decisions you make then?

You decide whether to sit down, cry, and pity yourself about your situation, or whether to pick yourself up, and do something to the situation. You decide whether you want to be happy or you want to be always frowning and sad. You decide whether you want to live life negatively or whether to live life positively. You decide, you decide and you decide. So is it all about having our own perspectives? Knowing where we stand? And knowing what our point of view is? Why are there people who are always sad, and people who are always happy? What's the thing that sets them apart?

Staring into the Abyss,

10:59 PM
their belief in themselves? their faith that keeps them strong?...-shrugs-...=)

and it's frowNing darling...haha..amazing u didn't do spellcheck! =P
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