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.The Abyss.

"The road to change is painful, and the road back into the light can sometimes be still kind of dark.." `Siang

Current Read:

.Didis and Gogos.

. Baby Microphone .
. Cherie .
. Chew Yue .
. Christine .
. Huiling .
. Huiying .
. Jane .
. Jiahui .
. Kenneth .
. Melissa .
. Salina .
. Soo Chin .
. Sun Ho .
. Roy .

.Rant & Rave.

.Past Ramblings.

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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

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Caught Jack Neo's Just Follow Law at the cinema yesterday. It's very Jack Neo if you know what I mean. I didn't think it was incredibly fantastic but the performance from the actors and the actresses were brilliant and I think that itself is worth watching.

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Well, to watch the usually beautiful and graceful Fann Wong turn into a hideous looking, uncouth Fann Wong should give one the motivation to watch the movie. Throughout the movie, I wondered whether to marvel at her brilliant acting or cringe at the way she succeeded in uglyfiying herself, destroying the beautiful image people have of her. But that said, I thought it was one of her breakthrough roles and whoever said she couldn't speak proper English should watch the movie.

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Gurmit Singh was also brilliant and I thought both had a certain chemistry amongst them. The plot was kinda flat but there were certain poignant scenes that left an impression in my heart. So overall, I would still give it a thumbs up although I'm hoping the next Jack Neo movie will not be so Jack Neo.

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Staring into the Abyss,

9:41 AM
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Friday, February 23, 2007

Part of my Televison and Radio production module requires us to write our own news script and to do a recording of a news broadcast. We had a chance to rehearse today before the final recording on the 2nd of March and it was quite an exciting experience.

My group and I have already tried our hands on the various equipments in the studio but it was our 1st time rehearsing with a complete script. Really looking forward to the actual recording. Hopefully we'll be able to get good grades! We chose to write about SARS so our on-site reporter will be donning masks.

Levin's our news anchor, Kristal's the on-site reporter, Gael, Azura, and Zihui are the camera persons. Nur is the producer and I will be assisting him as the technical director. Managed to take some photos when the other teams were rehearsing, so here goes:

This is the studio control room where Nur and I will be working in. 6-7 video monitors to look at..
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Inside the studio, this is where the camera persons will be...
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Gael as Cam 1, and the anchor with her guest speaker from the other team..
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This is the switcher/mixer which is what I will be doing. Quite stressful because I'll be taking the cue from Nur. Cannot be too fast, cannot be too slow. 1 wrong switch and the whole world will know I made a mistake. Hehe...
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Staring into the Abyss,

2:06 PM
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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I hate Chinese New Year(s) and I still do. It is people like them that makes me want to self-destruct over and over again. I hope something happens. Then they can regret for life.

Staring into the Abyss,

10:17 PM
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Saturday, February 17, 2007


May all of you have a prosperous and blessed Chinese New Year! Enjoy the new year goodies, the fellowshiping, and the company of all your loved ones! Hope you all collect many many 红包!


Staring into the Abyss,

12:59 PM
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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Fear grips my heart.

A sense of trepidation hangs in the air.


A feeling of being neither here nor there.

Is my time gonna be up soon?

State of alarm and even slight paranoia.

What if, what if, and more what ifs.

Will my troubled soul ever be still?

And when will peace reign in my heart?

Staring into the Abyss,

9:17 AM
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Monday, February 12, 2007

On Saturday, my CG had an outing to ECP. As we were engrossed in playing "Mafia", a young boy running around caught my attention. He was rummaging through the dustbins at ECP looking for empty soft drink cans. Instead of looking unhappy, he actually did whatever he was doing with much enthusiasm. Perhaps he was contented just being able to be of help to his mother and it didn't matter to him what he was doing.

So you think you're the only poor thing out there? Look around and you'll realise it's time you start counting your blessings.

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Staring into the Abyss,

10:50 PM
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Saturday, February 10, 2007

Just yesterday during lecture, Levin drew me a Valentine's Day card. I kinda insisted he drew it for me cuz I saw a "rough" copy of him drawing it for another friend and I thought it was quite nice. So, here's his masterpiece:

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Today, my big sister lent me Fann Wong's "biography". And the coolest thing is that she might get to work with Fann Wong! Although it's 1:27am now and the book is in CHINESE, I'm gonna try and finish reading the whole book today. :)

And, there is picture of her in her primary school's volleyball team and guess what? I used to see that picture hanging in the staff room! Yes. I am from the same primary school as Fann Wong. And, her volleyball coach was my form teacher when I was in P6. (We kinda heard alot of stories about her and saw many of her childhood photographs. I was 12 years old then, so I never thought of stealing the pictures from my form teacher and selling them on EBAY.) ;)

Thanks big sister for lending the book to me!! I'm off to read now.

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Staring into the Abyss,

1:23 AM
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Monday, February 05, 2007

At times it seems there is this lack of self-control and the inability to not yield to temptation that threatens to send me spiralling down the never ending abyss.

Like quick sand, no matter how hard one tries to prevent oneself from being swallowed by the quicksand, eventually, he/she will be swallowed by the quicksand.

No way out. Not even a quick exit. How sad.

Staring into the Abyss,

3:44 PM
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