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.The Abyss.

"The road to change is painful, and the road back into the light can sometimes be still kind of dark.." `Siang

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.Rant & Rave.

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Monday, March 27, 2006

I spent a good 15 minutes during lunch today at Lau Pa Sat to observe this cleaner. What caught my attention was how he kept dropping the cutlery on the floor, and not how good he looked. That mere 15 minutes of observation was enough to make the wanton mee that I had just eaten threaten to make its presence felt. But of course, I suppressed it. Letting it out would mean S$4/- down the drain and no way was I going to waste it.

If you had seen what he was doing, you would have thought he was a .... ok, you just wouldn't think he was a cleaner. You see, they have different containers at Lau Pa Sat to hold the different cultery. As soon as he cleared a table, he'll dispose of the disposable cultery into the bin, and then sort the cultery into the different containers. Nothing wrong right? But, all the while, he was throwing the cultery into the containers. Throwing, you know? And he missed about 6 times, with plates, bowls, spoons, landing on the wet floor. (The floor was wet, cuz it was drizzling.) How the bowls and plates manage to stay in good condition still remains a mystery to me actually.

Then, he did something that made my jaw drop. Because the bin was full, he used a tray (the kind we use to hold our food), to compress the rubbish in the bin. And after doing that, he put the tray together with the other trays that were going to be washed. Helloooooooooo???!! You don't use a FOOD TRAY to compress rubbish right??? That's so gross and so ultimately unhygenic!! I mean, even if you're using a dish washer, that's no way to use a food tray!

My colleagues were laughing each time I said, "Yucks! Look at that!" to them and they said, "You think the food you eat is very clean meh? You should see how they prepare their food." Of course, I'm not a fool to think that it's 100% clean and hygenic, but at least, I didn't see it right? No wonder they say ignorance is bliss!

Dear Cleaner Uncle, food, and rubbish do not go together ok? You wouldn't want to carry your plate of chicken rice on a tray that has just been used to compress rubbish right? So don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you, cuz, you reap what you sow. Beware! *ROAR*

(Oh, Uncle was definitely not in a bad mood. He was smiling as he did his job, but...... I'll rather exchange hygiene for his smile.)

Staring into the Abyss,

11:53 PM
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