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.The Abyss.
Current Read: .Didis and Gogos. . Cherie . . Chew Yue . . Christine . . Huiling . . Huiying . . Jane . . Jiahui . . Kenneth . . Melissa . . Salina . . Soo Chin . . Sun Ho . . Roy . .Rant & Rave. .Past Ramblings. March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 |
Friday, April 21, 2006 I thank God for this day, for the life He gave me, for the past 19 years that He has seen me through, and for the wonderful people He has brought into my life. Today, in itself, is a miracle, and I thank God that it has been an exceptional birthday for me. Huiling, thank you for all your love. I almost teared when I read the card you wrote me. Thanks for allowing me to be in your life, and thank you for not giving up on me. I know sometimes knowing me can be frustrating, but thank you for still standing by me. You're a wonderful friend, and I can't ask for more. I love you, and thanks for the personalised Man Utd jersey and the birthday song! So sweet of you!! My dearest boss, I take pleasure in being your PA. Thank you for always being there. You and Huiling will always be the one I hold closest to my heart. I'm not an easy friend to have, but thank you for always looking beyond my flaws. I'm so glad that you're where you are now, and I believe that you'll continue to shine, and continue to touch the hearts of the people you meet. You have a heart of gold, and I'm so thankful for you. You'll always be my dearest boss! Cherie, and Salina, my "meet 3 times a year" friends, thanks for taking the time off to have dinner with me. Thanks for the bottle of absolut vodka! We've known each other for close to 7 years now and I'm glad that we're still growing strong. You girls are the best! And I look forward to our next meeting! Peishi, although you didn't send me an sms, or meet up with me, I still love you! ;) You've been a great friend to me. Thanks for listening to all my nonsense and gossips. I know you enjoy it right? Just like that, we've known each other for 5 years! It's surprising how we are still so close judging from the fact that we hardly meet up. I think I know why, it must be me. Only I will make the effort to call you and disturb you right? :D My CG and especially Xiu Yin, for the simple yet extravagent with thoughts, effort and love card. You are selflessness personified and I'm so humbled by you. Though you're the youngest in the CG, your creativity and your willingness to get things done amazes me. The speed at which you've brokenthrough is amazing too and I must and should take a leaf from your book. I'll make you a card on your birthday and it'll be of a good standard. I promise you that. Des, number 7, and my buddy! Thanks for everything! For running around to get the jersey and for getting my name printed on the shirt! We've known each other for barely a year, but it's like we've known each other for a lifetime! And like what I like to say, "I know you at the back of my hand!" Thanks for sharing your life with me, and thanks for letting me share my life with you. Remember, you said you'll buy my biography, when I ever write one. So, you better keep your promise! Jean, number 2, and part of the 257 club. Thanks for the jersey as well, and thanks for allowing me into your life. You're great to hang out with, but can you promise not to vomit so much the next time we go drinking? Promise??? Next time we don't order long island tea ok? I think it's too strong. ;) And, remember my 10% when you earn your first million. Looking forrrrward! Melissa, you are someone who never fail to make me laugh. Thanks for the treat at Jack's Place followed by Kbox after that. You're a great girl, and believe me, I really like you as a friend. You have a kind heart, and I think you just need to not think so much. Don't always think I'll scold you cuz I'm not that fierce! Besides, I'm always respectful to my elders. :) Continue to be who you are, and know that I'm always here if you need a listening ear. Darran and Vivian, for not forgetting my birthday. Dear Darran, don't forget my laptop next year. I'm turning 21 soon! P/S: You can get Mel to chip in, I'm sure she won't mind. ;) Serena, Geneca, Yan Qi, Syikin, my secondary school mates for remembering my birthday. Thank you all for your well-wishes and let's meet up soon! Huiying, Michelle, for all your well wishes. Mic, thanks for your card. Thanks for remembering and I'm so sorry that I forgot your birthday. I'll make it up to you. Promise. Huiying, my idol. Thanks for all your encouragments. Looking to the day when you'll release your own album. I'll buy 10 copies! hehe. Keep writing, cuz I think your songs are great. My beautful Mistress and Master, thanks for remembering also! You two are the sweetest! And master, I had to wait 1 whole day for your message! Thank God you didn't forget, if not....... Soo Chin will be mine! ;) Love you lots my beautiful mistress! You're the best! cuz you're mine! Jon, go away! Peifang, thanks for the testimonial on Friendster! You make me out to be so good! *blush* Great to know you, and let's get to know each other more this year. Keep on keeping on, and one day, your breakthrough will come. Teresa, my lovely cousin for sending me an sms though you're so far away. Appreciate it. And thanks for the long email. P/S: please try to keep a lookout for Fergie while you're in London. Study hard and come back soon! My colleagues - Wendy, Sandy, Berine, Ashik, Joanne, Vincent, Serlina, Lay Hoon, Margaret, Sam, for all your well wishes, cake and ang bao. You all make me feel very loved. Thank you! Babymicrophone, you're a talented man and I enjoy reading what you write. Quickly come out with your album, and your book with all your writings! I'll buy 10 copies too. Thanks for "singing" "happy birthday" to me via MSN, and for your well wishes. :) And for all the rest whom I've missed, thank you for remembering, and thank you for your friendship. I love you all! Happy birthday to me. Staring into the Abyss,
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