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.The Abyss.

"The road to change is painful, and the road back into the light can sometimes be still kind of dark.." `Siang

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Friday, July 21, 2006

This is my 2nd week at MDIS so I decided to post some pictures and blog a little bit about school.

I usually reach school at about 8.40am in the morning and then I'll wait outside the classroom for my lecturer to arrive about 5-10 mins later.

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Here's an overview of my classroom and it is actually 2 classrooms combined.

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There are about 87 people in my class and I'm still wondering why so many people are taking Mass Communications. There are pros and cons to a big class and I'd like to think that there are more cons than pros. Lecture starts at 9, but people are still strolling in after 9.15am. The class is full only after 9.40am. One of the gals who sit beside me will come in after 9 and then ask me, "why you reach so early?"

To me, punctuality is a virtue and when you are constantly late, it shows that you are not showing respect to the one you are meeting, and in this case, the lecturer and the other students. I try not to be late, and sure there are times when something unexpected crops up, but I try not to be too late. (Ok my boss and Shi, Cherie and Sal, I know I was late for 2 hrs that day, but I had to meet 1 group of people after another so... I'm sorry! It won't happen again! hehe)

Anyway, I like my marketing lecturer. His name is Roland Kiew and he reminds me of my secondary school maths teacher. (SACians, think Mdm Bey aka Mrs Lim aka In General..) He has a problem pronouncing some words and because of this, the students make fun of him. He pronouces "decison" as "de-see-sions", "lady" as "leh-dy". Swimming pool as, "Shrimming pool". He told us before that because he had a tooth extracted he just problems getting some words out. Can you imagine just 10 students trying to imitate him say, "de-se-sion"? So you'll keep hearing "de-see-sion"..."de-see-sion"..."de-see-sion" and half the time, my lecturer will just blush and continue teaching while different groups of the class will giggle. So poor thing right?

And, I don't know if I'm the unfriendly one or the rest are super friendly. Just the other day, these 2 gals sitting behind me tapped me and asked me for my name. Then they asked me about where I stay, what I do, and whether I play mahjong. After a while, they tapped me again and asked, "you wanna play mahjong later?" So I replied, "Huh? Where? Just the 3 of us?" 1 of them replied, "At her house. We can find someone else..." To which I politely shook my head and said, "no la. I don't think so."

The next day, the mahjong gals sat beside me in class and started talking to me. Again, they asked me weird questions. Questions like, "Do you have a boyfriend? This course very slack right? Should I take tourism? Why don't you take tourism as well? Can I have your number so I can ask you out?" I was like, "Er?????"

Today, we had group discussion and because the mahjong gals left after the break, I got to know new people. So it was the usual what's your name, how old are you etc. Then halfway through, 1 of the gals asked me, "where are you going later? you wanna go play pool with us? At town?" Again, I said, "er. no. I'm going home."

So tell me, are they being friendly or am I being unfriendly? I always thought that we'll start hanging out i.e play pool, play mahjong, go for movies after getting to know each other for 4-5 days? I mean, you don't ask someone out immediately after getting to know them right? No? I don't even know their names! But that is because I didn't ask (=P), still isn't it quite weird that you'll ask someone you don't really know or you don't know at all to play mahjong at your place?

Am I weird or are they weird??

Staring into the Abyss,

3:01 PM
No la, U are fine. You are not unfriendly, they are just too friendly. And it is just strange to go to someone's house for mahjong when you barely know her!
hmmm....i think we have in instances also tried to be friendly remember? it was just from the goodness of our hearts [although our classmates we very quiet]...

but playing mahjong is no good...cos they obviously want to win your money and you cannot reveal your secret identity of God of Mahjong.

how do YOU know i'm god of mahjong??

yeah, you all were friendly, but NOT as friendly la. :) I still rmr you coming into class in the afternoon and go, "Gooooood morning". then everybody ignore u. muhahaha.
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