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.The Abyss.

"The road to change is painful, and the road back into the light can sometimes be still kind of dark.." `Siang

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Saturday, August 26, 2006

I went shopping with my cousin and his girlfriend at town today after school because I had 2 hours to burn before my meeting with Huiling to shop again. Yes, I was at town on a friday and thanks to the friends around me, I am beginning to slowly turn into a shopaholic! (Oh dear!)

My cousin's girlfriend bought an ipod casing for $59 (before a 10% discount) and we spent close to 45 minutes hovering around the Apple Store. Then, it was time to meet Huiling. Huiling sets a target whenever she goes shopping. She never spends more than 1 hour shopping because she already has in mind what she needs to buy. (I think everyone should be like her. Know what you want to buy, then "chop chop" buy. Haha. Then perhaps shopping malls won't be so crowded.)

The first stop was CK Tangs, where she spent a whooping S$33.00/- on a lip gloss! It's S$33.00/- for A lip gloss! I asked her, "you're spending $33 on a lip gloss?? Your lips will glow like gold after you use ah? That's like buying a $33 toothpaste! So costly! 2 lip gloss can easily get me a Man Utd jersey! The past seasons one of course. "

Here's what the $33.00/- Christian Dior lip gloss looks like..

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Her response to me was, "Think of it this way, it's like a 30 bucks toothpaste to you, but like you buying a jersey, it's like an overpriced cotton tank to me." Hello? Ms Teng? A jersey is no cotton tank ok? Hehe. But anyway, she had vouchers to use, so I guess she doesn't feel the pinch too much.

Anyway, as we were going up on the escalator, there was an advertisment and Huiling excitedly told me, "that's what the lip gloss is going to make your lips look like!"

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Please note that the escalator was up-riding, so the picture was taken hastily.

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Notice how shiny Sammi's lips are??

So after the costly purchase, we went to a few other shops to get the rest of her stuff before going to the Long John Silver's at Far East for dinner. As we were walking at Far East, I told her, "ok, now it's my turn to shop." I stopped outside a shop because they were selling sillicon breast balls. It caught my attention, and I said, "Look at that!" only to hear Huiling shrieking with delight. Apparently, it was her favourite shop. The shop sells lingerie. Eventually, she baulked at the price and came out of the shop empty handed. Tsk Tsk Tsk..

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Staring into the Abyss,

12:39 AM
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