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"The road to change is painful, and the road back into the light can sometimes be still kind of dark.." `Siang

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Monday, November 06, 2006

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Today is a special day because 20 years ago, Alex Ferguson was appointed as manager of Manchester United.

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I'll retire when I'm ready

"I enjoy working and think that's the important thing," insisted Sir Alex. "I think it's scandalous that some people think I should retire - it's none of their business.

"I have every right to work; some people in this life don't want to work so I don't think you should decry anyone who does. It disgusts me that people think that way.

"I'm going to continue working," he added. "There has been criticism and calls for me to retire from journalists over the years, but I don't think they have a right to do that - I think you should be entitled to work.

"You have to look at individual situations and the person involved. If they feel fit enough to work then they should be able to work."

Despite insisting on looking to the future, Sir Alex admits that he does feel a real sense of pride at reaching this latest milestone.

"It's been an incredible spell and hopefully we can win more trophies at this club," he explained. "You're always going to get judged on trophies you win but also the way we've done it has been very good. It's been the right way, it's been the Manchester United way.

"Sometimes we may get carried away with our attacking instincts, but it's better to die in a glorious way than not.

"I think you mellow a bit over time," added the boss. "But the desire is just the same."

20 glorious years. 8 Premier League Titles. 1 Champions League Cup. 5 FA Cups. 2 League cup and many many many more to come. All hail Super Alex!!

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Staring into the Abyss,

11:37 AM
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