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.The Abyss.

"The road to change is painful, and the road back into the light can sometimes be still kind of dark.." `Siang

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Sunday, December 03, 2006

On Friday, I was honoured to be invited to Cris & Hui Nah's place for dinner. Ok, Hui Nah & I were actually discussing where to go for dinner when she suggested that we go to her place and she would cook Italian food. According to her, it was her first time cooking for 4 people - Cris, herself, me and Linda (her ex cg member & the person who did her wedding video) so I took some pictures to show everyone her culinary skills. I must say that she whipped up quite a tasty meal. We had meatball spaghetti. Here are the photos and it's called, "In the Kitchen with Hui Nah". Enjoy. :)

A trip to the supermarket before the actual cooking begins..

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Chef Hui Nah posing as she prepares the ingredients..

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First, you put the spaghetti into the pot to boil..

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And then, you pour the sauce into the pan..

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Now, you stir the sauce to ensure that it doesn't splatter all over your stove..

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Robin Leong in the movie, "One Leg Kicking" makes a guest appearance..

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According to Chef Nah, you need to pour running water over the spaghetti so that it wouldn't stick together..

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Presentation is extremely important too!

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Ta dah! Yummy meatball Spaghetti by Chef Hui Nah..

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Exclusive footages behind the Kitchen!

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Thanks Hui Nah for such a wonderful meal. Really had a good time fellowshiping with you even though you forgot to invite Jasmine along. :P Looking forward to the next "In the Kitchen with Hui Nah"!

Staring into the Abyss,

1:09 AM
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