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.The Abyss.
Current Read: .Didis and Gogos. . Cherie . . Chew Yue . . Christine . . Huiling . . Huiying . . Jane . . Jiahui . . Kenneth . . Melissa . . Salina . . Soo Chin . . Sun Ho . . Roy . .Rant & Rave. .Past Ramblings. March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 |
Wednesday, April 18, 2007 Today I met Hui Nah and Joycee for dinner at a cafe in Serangoon Gardens called IceĀ³. It was a pre-birthday celebration for me and a farewell dinner for her as she'll be flying to meet Cris in New Mexico on Friday. I was pretty excited to meet them because I knew they were giving me the new man utd away jersey. The jersey that I had been pinning for so long! Remember my entry on how I had to satisfy myself by secretly taking a picture of myself wearing the jersey in the changing room? Well, I now lay my hands on an authentic man united away jersey given to me with much love from Hui Nah, Joycee & Jane and my big sister! Woooohoooo! ![]() The michievious Hui Nah brought me from 7th Heaven to the pits of Hell when I opened the "prank" present she gave me. It was exactly the same feeling I had few years back when I told Huiling my wish was for J to wish me happy birthday. Instead of getting J to wish me, she got someone I didn't really like in the CG to pose as J and hold a note that read, "Happy Birthday! Love, J." Hui Nah gave me a box and I excitedly unwrapped it knowing that they got me the jersey I wanted. The box opened to the Man United badge, and as I lovingly touched the badge, I thought to myself, "Yeah! I am finally laying my hands on the jersey!" To my horror, I realised that the badge was "coming off". That was when I realised she "DID" the jersey herself! ![]() ![]() She painstakingly pasted everything on a white T-shirt and it looked so real, I told her NIKE will be proud of her. In a bid to duplicate the jersey, she had the real jersey colour-photocopied, printed the words and pasted everything AT WORK! Despite my initial "shock" at the "pirated" t-shirit, I am actually quite touched by the effort she put into this surprise. As usual, prankster at work and I fell for it. But Kudos to Hui Nah. Only she can think of such brilliant pranks/surprises. I marvel at her creativity. Really. Joycee and her couldn't stop laughing at my expression upon realising it is a "fake" and they had a great time imagining for me the different scenarios that will happen if I ever wear the "fake" jersey out. Hui Nah happily related everything to Cris over the phone, and that Uncle Cris was so entertained. Tsk. Talk about finding joy in someone's misery! :P ![]() They eventually gave me the real jersey but not before narrating everything to Jane who was so tickled by it when we walked Joycee back to her place. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Thanks for the present Hui Nah, Joycee, Jane & big sister! Love ya all! :) ![]() Staring into the Abyss,
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