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.The Abyss.
Current Read: .Didis and Gogos. . Cherie . . Chew Yue . . Christine . . Huiling . . Huiying . . Jane . . Jiahui . . Kenneth . . Melissa . . Salina . . Soo Chin . . Sun Ho . . Roy . .Rant & Rave. .Past Ramblings. March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 |
Saturday, December 31, 2005 What will you do if the world stop turning tomorrow? What will you do when the sun doesn't come up tomorrow? What will you do when you wake up tomorrow and find everyone gone? Staring into the Abyss,
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Thursday, December 29, 2005 Seems like teams that play like crap usually play very well against Man Utd. Another 2 points dropped again. How to win league title like that??? We can jolly well kiss goodbye to our hopes of getting back the trophy from Chelsea. Liverpool's still in with a fight and seems like they're getting their season back on track. They've found their way back and I think it's about time too. Good for you Liverpool. Gonna be a tough fight to keep the number 2 spot with Liverpool in such a great form. Come on Man Utd!! Come on!! Can't Fergie field a reserve in the leftback position or something? I mean, Richardson is a winger by right. Plus, he lacks the height amd not everyone can be made to play in various positions and excel in it. Can't he field Bardsley at right-back, Rio and Gary at centre back, and John O shea at left back? Sure, I don't like O Shea, but when you have no choice, you have to use him right? Richardson aint no utility man like Phil Neville is, Fergie.. This is exasperating sometimes man. BUT, BUT, BUT, I still support and love Man Utd. :) Staring into the Abyss,
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Saturday, December 24, 2005 Was listening to a radio programme the other day and the Deejay asked a question that made me ponder for a while when I was in the office. She asked, "When did you being to realise that Santa Claus doesn't exist?" It followed with her sharing about her personal experiences and thoughts of Santa Claus and made me think of my own thougths/experiences of Santa Claus. Of cuz, I haven't seen Santa Claus before. Don't think any of you have, but if you have, do let me know. (I think I saw his backview before thought.) Thinking back, I realised I never once what most people thought - that Santa Claus will come riding on his sleigh, down our chimmey and deposit presents in the stocking we'll hang beside our bed. I think I've always known that Santa Claus is not fiction. Do you believe that Santa Claus exist? Read somewhere that there was going to be TV programme about "Santa Claus revealed! What Santa really looks like." Sounds interesting actually. But, I'm not interested to know what the real Santa looks like. He looks good in this make-believe state and I'll continue to wait for Santa to give me the presents that I want. Soo Chin wants a visit from Santa too I know. Don't worry girl, I'll let him know when he pops by. Have yourself a very Merry Christmas, dear readers. May your Christmas be filled with lots of love, joy and peace. May your stocking be overflowing with presents, and may you meet with Santa. Peace. Staring into the Abyss,
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Thursday, December 22, 2005 It's 420pm now and we (the whole office) just came back from a fire drill exercise. The exercise was a good distraction for everyone. Had to walked 24 floors down! But at least it's easier than climbing up 24 floors. Quite an experience I must say. Imagine a whole group of people in executive wear crossing the road to the empty space across Hong Leong Building. We were strolling actually. Haha! Free mineral water was given out to everybody who evacuated from Hong Leong Building. When we returned to the office, one of my colleagues went, "hey deborah you went down ah? Actually you didn't need to. Temp staff are exempted." I was like, "thank you very much." Nonetheless, it was fun. :) Staring into the Abyss,
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Tempers are fraying in the office. People are cursing under their breath, complaining, and bitching everywhere. The extra workload that comes with a colleague being on leave is very much not welcome. Not to mention the forever piling moutain of work to clear before year ends. Festive cheer? What festive cheer? I walk pass colleague A's desk every morning, and without fail, A will greet me with mumbles of "die already, die already." What a way to start a morning! And it's not only in the morning that A mumbles "die already, die already". I seem to hear A mumbling that whenever I walk past A's desk, without fail. Thing is, A is very much alive. I don't go into the office gloomy anymore. Infact I smile each time I reach the office. Lifts my spirit. Afterall, nothing's too hard to do. Just gotta work a little harder, look a little harder, and be a little more conscientious. It's the season to be jolly. Let's have more love towards the people around us. Spread some festive cheer! Spread the spirit of Christmas! Christmas is about giving and loving! God gave us His son on this special day! Keep a smile on your face. Enjoy what you're doing. The world could stop turning tomorrow. Staring into the Abyss,
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Tuesday, December 20, 2005 I never knew that so many people was concerned about my future. Just recently when my relatives came over to my house for desserts, my future had the honour to be the "around-the-table" topic of the day. My relatives were having a brain-storming session on what I can do and should do. What made the session less serious was that no one took down minutes or notes. I didn't know what the discussion was about, only heard a glimpse when I went down to tell my cousin-in-law that ESPN was not showing the Newcastle match due to traffic congestion. "Oh.. Maths and Science..." was what I heard just as I was stepping into the kitchen. All eyes was on me when I walked in, and my aunt went, "Hey! We're just talking about you! Talking about what course you can study." To which I replied with an awkward smile, "Talking about me ah? Ha. Oh. Then I better leave. Happy discussing. By the way, I just came to tell Ryan that the newcastle match is not showing anymore. Bye!". It's quite embarrassing actually to have so many people telling you what you can and should do when I myself don't even know what I can do or should do. Anyway, I knew the contents of the discussion through my mum. We were waiting for the bus when she went, "oh. you know ah, that day we were talking about you. We were talking about doing some franchising and stuff, and I casually mentioned to your Uncle about buying the Ya Kun franchise. Guess what? He called me the next day!" I was like, "Oh ok. So he's interested?" My mum replied, "No la. He was telling me that there'll be a coffeeshop/market opening at People's Park. He suggested to rent a stall and never mind about the course of rental. Then Deborah can run the foodstall. I told him I'll discuss with your father before getting back to him." -My jaw dropped and I laughed out loud.- I went, "Huh?!! Are you joking?? Do you all really think my future is so bleak???" Of cuz I'm not saying that being a hawker = bleak future la. But... I mean, I'm open to the idea la. However, I'll still like to believe that... Ok, I don't know what I'll still like to believe. Sometimes I appreciate the concern, sometimes, I just wish they won't care so much. Then again, I can't afford to put it off anymore. It being, anything and everything. Staring into the Abyss,
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Thursday, December 08, 2005 Sometimes inspiration works in funny ways. After a spell of being barren for months?, I'm starting to write again. I mean, writing for 2 consecutive days? That hasn't happened for a long time! Plus, another poem that is halfway written. What more can I say? Well, the poems may not be fantastic, but at least, I like it. :) So here's presenting, "We come before You". We come before You We come before You praising Your name. We come before You Lord, this isn't a game. Your word, we will learn Your presence Lord, that's what we yearn. O Lord, you who is so very dear open our eyes to see, open our ears to hear. We come before You with a contrite heart. We come before You Lord, give us a brand new start. Your Face, we will seek Yes Lord, throughout the week. Speak to us, and show us Your ways, Teach us, O Lord, every single day. We come before you Lord. Yes, we come wholly before you. ` kAeJ 06/12/05 Staring into the Abyss,
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Monday, December 05, 2005 I was thinking of You I was thinking of you when the sun came up, and the sky was blue. I was thinking of you when the mighty wind blew, and the rain came down. I was thinking of you when I wondered if you were thinking of me too. I was thinking of you when I saw you, and him walking hand in hand. I was thinking of you when a tear rolled down, and I finally understood why you were never around. I was thinking of you, when my heart stopped beating. And still, you never knew, I was thinking of you.. ` kAeJ 05/12/05 Ah ha! Finally a poem after so long! Anyway, the sentence, "when I saw you, and him walking hand in hand" caused quite an uproar when I showed it to a few people. All had the same question, "you and him? shouldn't it be you and her?" I learnt during my Lit course about Authorship and Intention, and according to Roland Barthes in his text, "Image, Music Text, 1997" the author is dead. It's open to the interpretation of the readers. Don't bother to try figure what I'm trying to convey in this poem, instead derive from it your own meanings/conclusion. It's not about what I'm trying to write, it's about what I'm not writing. :) I'm just telling you something very very summarised. If you wanna know more, read it up yourself or ask me. Haha. Have fun. Staring into the Abyss,
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Friday, December 02, 2005 Love comes and love goes. A broken heart will continue to beat. But have you ever wondered, what is it's purpose for still beating? Who will it beat for? Wouldn't a broken heart be best rendered dead? Afterall, who'll be there to pick up the broken pieces from the shattered heart? What is a use for a broken but beating heart? The heart beats, but without love. The heart beats, but without emotion. The heart beats, for nobody, and for nothing. The pain of loving someone you should never love is excruciating. But how do you pull yourself away from the emotional attachment? For the good times you once shared but shouldn't have, how do you forget them? How do you keep a distance without falling deeper? Staring into the Abyss,
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