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.The Abyss.

"The road to change is painful, and the road back into the light can sometimes be still kind of dark.." `Siang

Current Read:

.Didis and Gogos.

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. Chew Yue .
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.Rant & Rave.

.Past Ramblings.

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Monday, October 16, 2006

I must be growing old. This morning I walked into the lecture theatre in a semi-awake state and I was surprised to see so many new faces. For a moment, I thought I was dreaming. As I was walking to the back, this gal called out to me excitedly. I stared blankly while she continued to say, "deborah!!". Not knowing who she was, I smiled, and continued to walk.

As I was at my seat, I racked my brain hard. "Who is she?" Well, she looked familiar but I just couldn't recall who she was. Lessons went on and I kept wondering where I saw her before. "In SAC? Cannot be Stansfield right? Where?" Then the lecturer mentioned her name, Natasha. It sounded familiar but I just couldn't remember who she was.

During the break, as I was signing my attendance, she came up to me again and said, "deborah! I'm so happy and excited to see you here! What were you doing after Stansfield?" Then, it struck me that she was my classmate in Stansfield. I immediately texted Mel to ask if she remembered Natasha and to my embarrassment, she did. Ooooops.

Staring into the Abyss,

10:57 PM
next time just pretend to know while you rack you brain to remember. and stick to general questions like "how are you?","what are u doing here?" and "you still got keep contact with the others?". fail proof
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