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.The Abyss.

"The road to change is painful, and the road back into the light can sometimes be still kind of dark.." `Siang

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.Didis and Gogos.

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. Cherie .
. Chew Yue .
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. Huiling .
. Huiying .
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.Rant & Rave.

.Past Ramblings.

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Friday, December 08, 2006

Today, as I was having dinner with my CG to celebrate Simon's brithday, I received a call from K at 8:50p.m telling me that we have to meet to do the slides that we have to show our lecturer tomorrow.

Apparently, N and D who were at the national library doing research needed help in analysing the newspaper articles that they had just found. After a couple of angry calls, with K being frustrated with N, and N being frustrated with everyone and everything, we agreed to meet at the MacDonald's at Ang Mo Kio. Cris gave me a lift there from Marina Square and I reached AMK at approximately 11p.m.

K was already there and while waiting for N, we talked and bitched. N arrived close to 12a.m and we got down to work. Seriously speaking, our brains were already dead from all the late nights rushing different presentations and reports that when we analyzed the newspaper articles, we could only just read. As the time passed, we started becoming cranky and we just kept laughing and laughing at everything and anything.

D joined us at about 2:45a.m, and we carried on doing our slides till 3:30a.m. K and I left while N and D remained cuz N said that if he went back home to sleep, he will never wake up for the morning lecture.

Well, I'm home now and it's 4a.m in the morning. What I got to do now is to edit our report on the Business Culture on Sweden because we forgot to do double spacing and we have to it in by tomorrow. If time permits, maybe I will catch an hour or 2 of sleep before a full day lecture later. So tired.

Staring into the Abyss,

3:54 AM
*hugx* hang in there and jiayous!! =) your hard work will pay off soon. i'll be out of singapore from today till monday night. yuppers. take good care and see ya again soon!

all the best!!
Hey, you've been working hard and smart. Your hard work will pay off. Though your schedule will be tight for next few weeks, you have our support. Do let me know if you need a chauffeur. Cris and I will be at your service, princess deborah!
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