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.The Abyss.
Current Read: .Didis and Gogos. . Cherie . . Chew Yue . . Christine . . Huiling . . Huiying . . Jane . . Jiahui . . Kenneth . . Melissa . . Salina . . Soo Chin . . Sun Ho . . Roy . .Rant & Rave. .Past Ramblings. March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 |
Wednesday, August 29, 2007 A friend has been reminding me to update my blog but honestly, there is nothing much that is interesting for me to write about. School has been quite intense despite it being only the 2nd week and I still don't look forward to going for lectures. (who does anyway?!) Work was quite exciting today because I was "forced" to rise up because A was away on course. With the boss hosting a special curry & rice lunch to his friend, and with a group of guests coming in almost at the same time, my 2 managers, a new part-timer and I had to cope without A. (Which is rather hard considering my 2 managers hardly get themselves involved in service & are often (ok sometimes) more of a hindrance than help). It was distressing when my guests ordered coffee and I was close to going on my knees to pray that the regular coffee drinkers would not come in today. (I can ill afford to screw up their coffee and thank God they did not appear.!) Things was manageable (I didn't screw up the cappucino at least) until someone ordered a Hot Chocolate. The first time I made a hot chocolate, it failed terribly because I did not froth my milk correctly and instead of being creamy, my hot chocolate turned out watery. (How can I serve my guests watery hot chocolate??? and of all the drinks, why did she have to order hot chocolate??!) So now I was on my own with no A to help me. Guess what the beautiful thing was? The hot chocolate turned out fine! Creamy just as the boss says it should be! Thank God for His Grace! The cappucino I made (which usually sucks), was good enough to be served and the hot chocolate (my 2nd attempt) was good enough to be served too! (The guest finished it, so it should be ok. Right?) Yes, so I proudly told my manager about my accomplishments (HAHAHAHA) and he said, "You just lack confidence in yourself and you rely too much on A. See, when you are forced to do it yourself, you did it well!) Well, well, well, inconsistency is still my biggest problem so I won't allow myself to gloat for long although I am really very happy I didn't screw things up. Praise the Lord! Staring into the Abyss,
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007 Well, today I started my advanced diploma in Mass Communications. Going back to school has always been a struggle to me and I kinda am doing this advanced diploma rather reluctantly. When I walked into the school compound, an air of familiarity greeted me. It felt kinda strange too, to be back after a 2 months plus hiatus from school. I didn't know what to expect since I was going to meet new classmates. First day of a new semester, you kinda feel lost somehow. As the lecture went on (my lecturer is a senior producer for Channel News Asia. How cool is that?), I couldn't help but wonder whether I made the wrong decision to do my advanced diploma part time. The thought of having to break into groups, do group presentations (AGAIN!) made me wish I had joined my ex-classmates in the full-time course. We had our fair share of friction and I know I swore I wouldn't want to work with them again, but it's always easier to work with people you already know. At least I wouldn't have to go through the hassle of making new friends considering how anti-social I am. Well, I was seriously chiding myself for trying to be funny and attempting to do the course part-time when I can do it full-time. It didn't help when 1 of my ex-classmate texted me and said, "See la! You should have joined us! We're all still in the same class.." But what Dr Joyce Meyer preached over the weekend kept ringing in my head. We're concentrating so much on ourselves that it bothers us what people are thinking and saying about us. I remember I kept repeating to myself "it's not about me. I must decrease and He must increase. I must decrease and He must increase. I must decrease and He must decrease", as I tried to counter all the negative thoughts that was forming. It's really really not easy. But I tell myself, somehow or another, I'll still have to break out of my comfort zone. So even though doing the course full-time will mean I get to work with my ex-classmates whom I am already very comfortable with, it doesn't hurt too much working with new people in my current class. Life's never easy and sometimes doing the right thing is pretty uncomfortable. Guess I should just do it and see how it goes. It shouldn't be that bad.. (right?). Well, pray for me. Staring into the Abyss,
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Saturday, August 18, 2007 Well, I just missed it by 45mins but I still wanna wish J a very happy birthday. I know J as someone who doesn't celebrate birthdays but still, this is a date that'll always be stuck in my head. May all your fondest wishes come true, J. Staring into the Abyss,
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Saturday, August 11, 2007 It's finally back! Football season 2007/08 is back! This time even better with so many live matches to choose from! Football channel 27, channel 22, channel 21.. Then there's channels 107 and 108 if you have the digital cable box. MUTV, chelseatv, french league, scottish league, dutch league.. Man! Totally spoiled for choice! I'm loving it! We kick off tomorrow at Old Trafford against Reading. Gonna be a long and tough season defending our crown but I'm totally looking forward to it. :) Staring into the Abyss,
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Monday, August 06, 2007 I'm beginning to feel that I am not normal. There is a saying that goes "日有所思,夜有所梦"。To what extend is it true? Am I thinking about it so much, I'm dreaming about it at night? Is my sub-conscious trying to reveal something? The scenes are always so vivid I fear I'll sleep talk and expose my darkest secrets to whoever is in the room. I'm always so afraid of blurting out something I shouldn't say. The uneasiness, the pangs of anxiety. You know the awful feeling of fearing one day your darkest secrets will be brought to light? Then the cruel revelation of how people are gonna judge, gonna condemn sets in. It cannot happen. People cannot know what I am thinking. Darkness is always going to be afraid of Light. Addictions are frightening. It makes you want more and more even though you are aware of the dire consequences. You just cannot stop yielding to it. Like a powerful magnet, addiction draws one to it. Slowly, but surely. How do you get out of it? How do you muster enough Courage to tell yourself Light WILL overcome darkness? This addiction is slowly engulfing me. I don't want it to escalate, but I feel so powerless to overcome it. Maybe I should seek therapy real soon. You think it will help? Ed Note: Written by the evil twin.Staring into the Abyss,
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Watch The Simpsons on Saturday and it was a really fun show considering the last movie I watched was Just Follow Law. It was pretty entertaining and I think the film makers were quite creative. The scene which I really liked most was Homer's attempt to run away from the people pursuing him. Thinking he's going to get away easily, he flashed his middle finger repeatedly & sweared at them only to find himself stuck. That was really classic. And then Bart being rude to his sister with his cheer, "Na na na na na, Lisa's got a boyfriend. who she'll never see again." That was mean, but so typical of siblings! In all, I really enjoyed The Simpsons. I'm probably going to catch Perfect Strangers (starring Halle Berry & Bruce Willis) next, and also maybe get a vcd/dvd copy of Good Will Hunting. August is going to be an exciting month with the soccer season returning next week! Man Utd won the community shield against Chelsea in today's curtain raiser and although the community shield isn't something very significant, but it's always good to win. And even better to win your biggest rivals. What can I say? It's still too early to reach a conclusion of who'll be champions this season (We might not be able to defend our throne...) but you all know, my heart goes all out to Manchester United. :D Staring into the Abyss,
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Friday, August 03, 2007 有句话说,“不在乎天长地久,只在乎曾经拥有。”真的可以这样吗?人的心不已经是自私的吗?怎么可能只在乎曾经拥有而不在乎天长地久呢?事实上我门不知道满足是什么。东西拥有了,却不会懂得珍惜,心还是会渴望拥有更多。 不应该发生的事情已经发生了。那时后的友情也已经随着时间的飞驶渐渐的淡去了。我想该是时候放手了。。 可是,那心中的不舍,那永远的遗憾,到底要怎样才放的下呢?那如此短暂却美丽的回忆,我是真的,真的,很怀念。 可惜的是,时间不会为我们而停止不走。我们曾经拥有过的那份友谊也可能已经无法挽回了。 朋友,我还是在傻傻的盼望着,你和我再次说话的那一天。。 《言语》 有好多话想对你说 却不晓得从何说起。 是否一切都是我错 所以我们俩会如此? 我真的真的好怀念, 初次见面的那一天。 现在的你过得好吗? 偶尔还会想起我吗? 我的心一阵阵的痛, 你到底为何还不懂? 我是多么的想念你, 想和你和你在一起。 我们就这样完了吗? 再也不是朋友了吗? 时间会冲淡一切吗? 我想一切就这样吧。。 ` 卡基 Staring into the Abyss,
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