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.The Abyss.
Current Read: .Didis and Gogos. . Cherie . . Chew Yue . . Christine . . Huiling . . Huiying . . Jane . . Jiahui . . Kenneth . . Melissa . . Salina . . Soo Chin . . Sun Ho . . Roy . .Rant & Rave. .Past Ramblings. March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 |
Monday, August 28, 2006 There are days when I go to school and feel like it's a complete waste of time. Today is such a day. I did nothing the whole day, just sitting around and listening to aimless yakking. Sometimes you just wish to not go to school, then you think about how irresponsible you will be especially to your group mates and you retract that idea. I woke up late for school today (8.35am and lessons start at 9) and ended up having to take a cab to school.(The cab fare was a freaking S$15 +++!) It doesn't happen very often.(this waking up late thing) The last time I was late for school/work was when I was at OOCL. I was having a bad dream last night, and was still dreaming when I pulled myself out of bed. I could feel that "half-awakeness" as I hurriedly brush my teeth, changed and ran out of the house. I still found time to have friendly banter in broken Hokkien with my grandma while wearing my shoes though. She was checking on her plants when I went, "Ah ma ah!!! Why didn't you wake me up!!!!" Then she said, "See la. At night don't sleep. Then in the morning always cannot wake up. How I know you are going to school in the morning? Sometimes you morning session, sometimes you afternoon session. Anyway, your brother just left also." So I said, "I told you yesterday that today is full day what!" Then she replied, "haiya. never mind la. once in a while late it's ok." And she laughed. I reached school at 9.15am, and the lecturer started teaching only at 9.30a.m. I'm still wondering whether I should go to school tomorrow because it's just going to be another 3 hours of aimless yakking. Staring into the Abyss,
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Saturday, August 26, 2006 I went shopping with my cousin and his girlfriend at town today after school because I had 2 hours to burn before my meeting with Huiling to shop again. Yes, I was at town on a friday and thanks to the friends around me, I am beginning to slowly turn into a shopaholic! (Oh dear!) My cousin's girlfriend bought an ipod casing for $59 (before a 10% discount) and we spent close to 45 minutes hovering around the Apple Store. Then, it was time to meet Huiling. Huiling sets a target whenever she goes shopping. She never spends more than 1 hour shopping because she already has in mind what she needs to buy. (I think everyone should be like her. Know what you want to buy, then "chop chop" buy. Haha. Then perhaps shopping malls won't be so crowded.) The first stop was CK Tangs, where she spent a whooping S$33.00/- on a lip gloss! It's S$33.00/- for A lip gloss! I asked her, "you're spending $33 on a lip gloss?? Your lips will glow like gold after you use ah? That's like buying a $33 toothpaste! So costly! 2 lip gloss can easily get me a Man Utd jersey! The past seasons one of course. " Here's what the $33.00/- Christian Dior lip gloss looks like.. ![]() Her response to me was, "Think of it this way, it's like a 30 bucks toothpaste to you, but like you buying a jersey, it's like an overpriced cotton tank to me." Hello? Ms Teng? A jersey is no cotton tank ok? Hehe. But anyway, she had vouchers to use, so I guess she doesn't feel the pinch too much. Anyway, as we were going up on the escalator, there was an advertisment and Huiling excitedly told me, "that's what the lip gloss is going to make your lips look like!" ![]() Please note that the escalator was up-riding, so the picture was taken hastily. ![]() Notice how shiny Sammi's lips are?? So after the costly purchase, we went to a few other shops to get the rest of her stuff before going to the Long John Silver's at Far East for dinner. As we were walking at Far East, I told her, "ok, now it's my turn to shop." I stopped outside a shop because they were selling sillicon breast balls. It caught my attention, and I said, "Look at that!" only to hear Huiling shrieking with delight. Apparently, it was her favourite shop. The shop sells lingerie. Eventually, she baulked at the price and came out of the shop empty handed. Tsk Tsk Tsk.. ![]() Staring into the Abyss,
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Thursday, August 24, 2006 Today I had lessons at a lecture theatre. It was quite fun having lessons in the lecture theatre because the chairs are so much more comfortable than those in the classrooms. Thought I could take the opportunity to nap because I was up to watch Man Utd beat Charlton, but decided that I should pay attention, so people, I didn't nap. Hehe. The lecturer played an episode of "Under One Roof" for us to analyze. Do you still remember the "Moses Lim is Tan Ah Teck. Koh Chieng Mun is Dolly. Venetta Lopez is Denise.... song?" Those were the days huh? ![]() Anyway, Media Studies is like approaches to Text. I cannot believe I'm doing the signifier and signified thing again. Which means I need to dig out Roland Barthe's book on Text, Music and Image. Good lord. I thought I was through with it after I left Stansfield, but alas, alas. I still think Jeeshan is a better lecturer though. And of course, I had better classmates. (Shout out to Mel, Darran and co. Yeah, I'm talking about you guys!) Hahaha. It's gonna be a tough semester. Time to work hard, deb! ![]() Staring into the Abyss,
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Tuesday, August 22, 2006 Sometimes when a person's confidence/morale runs low, it is highly dangerous because that's when the person is susceptible to suicidal thoughts. Death always seems the easiest way out because you just disappear completely. You vanish into thin air and you think the problems will vanish together with you. But dream on. It's never going to happen. Maybe it will, in one's dream. Dying is never going to solve anything and the problems are still going to exist, and this time the problems will be magnified 10 times. So, better wake up your idea.. The people who make it good in life are the ones who constantly challenge and push themselves to breakthrough no matter how rough the situation may be. Every fear can be conquered and every problem overcomed. Gotta be strong. Gotta be strong. Gotta be strong. We are made to overcome, made to be the head and not the tail. Press on. Press on. Press on. Just have to keep pressing on. 辛苦才懂得珍惜改变。不能放弃!!!!! Staring into the Abyss,
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Sunday, August 20, 2006 The choices we make creates our future. Whether we succeed or fail in life, the crux of the matter lies in making wise choices. Our lives are composed by the choices we make. Thus, it is important for us to have knowledge because knowledge translates into authority. When we are ignorant about something, it makes us weak. And the only reason why people remain ignorant is because of stubborness - the refusal to be taught. We all become servants to the choices we make, so it is better to make wise choices lest we regret. Face the music bravely when you make a wrong/bad decision, because we mature in life only when we accept responsibilites for the choices we make. Have a clear plan of action. Your life becomes free when you organise that life. Seek knowledge. Don't be afraid to know more, because through the information our mind will turn this information into beliefs! Information -> Mind -> Beliefs -> Self-Esteem -> Action/Behavior -> Results -> Habits -> SUCCESS Your inputs will determine your outputs. Change the way you think, by taking in new information today. Remember, You are limited in life to the knowledge in your own mind and the contend of your own character. Staring into the Abyss,
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Saturday, August 19, 2006 It's back!! After 6 long weeks, EPL season 2006/07 is finally BACK! Woo hooo! ![]() Amongst the twenty teams, who will emerge victorious? After 38 grueling matches, who will be champions of England? The answer revealed when EPL season 2006/07 kicks off tonight... Will star-studded Chelsea ![]() Is liverpool ![]() Or will the Gunners ![]() Perhaps, this could be Man Utd's ![]() Will newly promoted clubs, Watford ![]() ![]() ![]() Tonight, is the much awaited kick off. I am bias, and I hope Manchester United can win the title. Glory Glory Man Utd! Staring into the Abyss,
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Thursday, August 17, 2006 Happy Birthday Jae.. May all your fondest wishes come true and may your special day be filled with lots of love, presents, and smiles. (with a blink of an eye, it has been 4 years now...) Staring into the Abyss,
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Tuesday, August 15, 2006 On Sunday, after fellowshiping with some of the sisters from my CG, I went to a birthday chalet. Joycelyn was celebrating her 21st birthday at Coasta Sands, and with most of the w140 members present, it became a gathering of sort for us. We had a great time of catching up and reminiscing about the good old days. And of course, what's a w140 gathering if we don't talk about Huiling and her triplets? We prophesied for her, and now instead of triplets, it'll be 6 babies!(I don't know the term! Triplets, Quadraplets...) Jon, my boss, Elaine, Huiying and I will take 1 each to be her children's godparents. (Huiling, I want the 2nd or the 3rd one ok?) Please refer to Huiling's blog for more photos. It's amazing how quickly time flies. I was 15 when I first came to w140. After that the CG mulitplied, but I remained in w140 until 2004 before going to N231 and now E375. We were all still in secondary school, JCs, Polys and when I went to N231, people like Jon, Guoren were all still in NS! Now, most of them are in University. Mic is in Year 4, Huiying has already graduated from NUS, Elaine doing well in NAFA, Jon, Guoren in NUS and NTU respectively, my boss is back in school again. I knew Joycelyn way back in SAC and I can remember all the times Beautiful and I will tease her endlessly. It's always nice to catch up with old friends, and even better to know that the bond is still as strong as it was before. God has really been good to each and everyone of us, and I cannot thank God even for these people. I felt abit out of place for a while because all of them seem to have progressed somewhere. You know, from secondary school, to JC/Poly, then NS, then University, but I'm still stuck at where I am. But, Siang told me that we all walk our own paths. It's inevitable because social convention tells us that if we don't progress naturally, we are not normal. But maybe, perhaps there's nothing wrong with taking a longer time or a longer route to reach a destination. Anyhow, God has been very good to all of us, and that's enough to be thankful for. Here's a picture of all of us with our Beloved Huiling. ![]() Staring into the Abyss,
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Friday, August 11, 2006 I went for my first wedding photo shoot today and no, I am not getting married, but rather, my cg members, Hui Nah, and Cris are. Hui Nah called and asked if I could give her a hand (you know, carry bags, hold umbrella up, pass tissue, hold small fan, and the likes) and you never say no when a friend asks you for help. (ya right.) So they picked me up and we reached the Tanjong Pagar studio at about 11am. Then it was just waiting, putting make up, doing hair, changing costumes and taking photographs. We left the studio close to 6pm (it was really really long) and proceeded to the Botanic Gardens and the Singapore Indoor Stadium for outdoor shoots. What are the perks I hear you ask? Well, I got to see what a whole wedding photo shoot is about, got to go to the Botanic Gardens where I have not been for more than 10 years, and saw beautiful brides-to-be in the studio. And of course, I get to see the photos first hand! Here are some of the photos that we snapped secretly (photographer won't be happy if we stand there with our digital camera and snap while he is snapping), on my lousy nokia 6230. The photos are taken from a distance. (what do you expect? it's only a sneak preview. not fun if I take up close right? :P ) There are plenty of photos. So don't say you have not been warned.. Here goes: Putting on make up, and doing their hair.. Hui Nah.. ![]() And then it was Cris turn.. ![]() A rather "unglam" manner of wearing her heels.. ![]() ![]() Now it looks more glam.. ![]() Simon the photographer, talking to the bride and groom about their likes and dislikes. What good customer service.. ![]() Simon helping Hui Nah to pose.. ![]() And it turned out like this.. ![]() Then it was Cris's turn to pose.. ![]() Look what I found on the wall of the studio. Pretty FANNtastic! ![]() My favourite shot.. ![]() Da Chang Jin and Mr Samurai??? ![]() This is Professor Tan, renowned photographer who lists Fann Wong, Jacky Cheung, Sammi Cheng, David Tao as celebs whom he has worked with @ work with the other couple in the studio. He was drinking a whole bottle of Palace Wine and yelling instructions as he took their photographs. Cost an additional S$1500 for his services. You decide if he's worth it or not. I think he is also the boss.. ![]() Now, it's time to go outdoors. This is the mercedes that drove us to our destinations. It is a formal bridal car, and you'll be amazed at how much leg space we have. Can easily sit 5 people at the back. 2 sitting on the floor of course. Nice uncle chauffeur too.. ![]() Never looking back.. ![]() The beautiful waterfall at the Botanic gardens (backview).. ![]() Lovely isn't it? ![]() ![]() I'll never let you down.. ![]() Never letting you go.. ![]() The hand bouquet.. ![]() And finally, to the indoor stadium.. ![]() ![]() And guess who we saw running past us? It's none other than the superfit Thow Wee who was running from Great World City (his work place) back to his home at Tampines. ![]() That's all! If you wanna see clearer and nicer photographs, then you gotta wait. This is only the starters. Staring into the Abyss,
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Tuesday, August 08, 2006 Look what I found in some corner of my house! ![]() The 1999 Treble VCD! I first watched the VCD 2 years ago, and to find it again after so long, the feeling is incredible! I still felt the same goosebumps when Ole scored the winning goal against Bayern in the last 2 minutes of the European finals. I felt the same europhic joy of the man utd supporters when Fergie and the players lifted up the 3 trophies. It makes watching much nicer too after reading Fergie's autobiography. ![]() Watching the VCD convinced me that the present Man Utd team pales in comparison to the team of '99. It's quite sad really. But, hopefully we can still be a force to be reckoned with this new season. Glory glory Man Utd! ![]() The VCD that is worth watching over and over again.. '"Football? Bloody hell!" gasped Man Utd manager, Alex Ferguson after the greatest 2 mintues in the history of sport. The Gods in Red had done it again - hauled back victory from the jaws of defeat to produce the most amazing comeback of all time. But THAT match was only the climax to an incredible season. Fergie's Reds had a 33 match unbeaten run having triumped over Liverpool and Spurs in the Premiership. They overcam arch-rivals Arsenal and Newcastle to clinch victory in the FA cup. They heroically beat the giants of European football, Inter and Juventus before snatching victory from Bayern Munich to become the first team ever to win the Treble. Featuring every gal from every game, Fergie talks us through the greatest season ever exclusively on VCD. Including unique dressing room footage from The Treble season, this is probably the greatest football vcd ever.' ![]() Staring into the Abyss,
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Sunday, August 06, 2006 This is Happy, the newest addition to the Kong family. Unfortunately, Happy is not here to stay because grandma is constantly nagging at dad for bringing Happy home. ![]() Happy is a very cute dog and I only got to see him on Saturday morning. I spent 10 mins observing Happy before I left for BS and another 15 mins at the porch with him sitting at my feet. Happy is not happy because he is not given the attention that dogs require. I feel that my dad has made a wrong decision in bringing Happy back because my family are not lovers of pets. Before a family decides to own a pet, all must come into agreement if not conflict will arise. That was what happened when Des insisted on buying Milo and bringing him home and eventually Milo stayed with him for less than a week. Happy came to the wrong family because my family is not a family who will give him the love and the attention he needs. I feel sorry for him when I see my grandma holler at him whenever he steps into the house. I feel sorry for him when he watches my Dad leave for work and he realizes that his master is gone and no one’s going to bother about him. I feel sorry for him when he sees me walk into the house and he wants to follow but he’s afraid of my grandma hollering at him. But Happy is a very smart dog. He follows me around and he understands that grandma doesn't want him in the house. Also, he is "territoral." When we moved his drinking bowl to another place, he refused to drink until it was back when it should be. We wanted to let him sleep outside so he'll have more space to move about but he kept barking. In the end, we brought him back to the kitchen where he spent his first night and he became quiet and sat there. According to dad, when Happy's owner carried him to the car, Happy was very happy and didn't look back. Dad said, "He must be thinking that he's going for a holiday." So Happy is going back either tonight or tomorrow I think. Goodbye Happy. ![]() Staring into the Abyss,
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Saturday, August 05, 2006 I love the early morning bus rides that I take to school everyday. I love the fact that majority of the people in the bus are still half asleep and there is no incessant chatter from school students or housewives just back from the market to disrupt my thoughts. The tranquility of the morning broken only by the music from my nano, the howling of the wind, and the whizzing past of the cars. The cold wind that beats against my face on board the non-aircon bus 93 is something I look forward to every morning, that when I reach my stop, I am a tad reluctant to alight. It would be good if every morning was like this. So peaceful. Staring into the Abyss,
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Tuesday, August 01, 2006 Sometimes, when people around you have heated arguments or quarrels, how do you react? There are times when I really don't understand why people quarrel. At times, I question the purpose of the quarrel/argument. How do such arguments/quarrels arise? Is there a way to prevent them from happening? What is it that either one of them can't compromise or give in? Why must one thing always lead to another and the quarrel never ends, and the past always brought up eventually? Why is it that man cannot live without his/her past? Insecurity? Pride? Or is it because man are made imperfect and thus everything has to be imperfect? When one doesn't quarrel/argue, they will feel weird, strange? No conflict = No peace? Why? Can we, from young see the mistakes adults make and learn from them? Or will we be subconsciously influenced by them? But man being man, all the more we'll want to taste the forbidden fruit. Didn't they say that forbidden fruits always taste sweeter? But how true is that? Look at Adam and Eve, they had everything, but eventually sinned and defied God when curiosity/temptation got the better of them. They threw away what seemed to be an eternal life of blessings, for something temporal. And what about Lot's wife? The Angel told her not to turn back, but she did and ultimately, turned into a pillar of salt. Why? Could all these have been avoided if man chose to obey, follow instructions and not rebel? What is it that we're all afraid of? When people say they cannot let go - be it pride, the past or whatever that's stopping them from moving on, moving forward, how often is it true? We can let go, but we only choose to tell ourselves we cannot let go. We all know very well that holding on to something that isn't going to aid us in the future, or help us in anyway is meaningless. Why do people still choose to do it? Just like Faustus, he chose to see what he wanted to see. "The wages of sin is death." That's all he read. What he didn't read/see was the next sentence, "but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." He continued to live a life of sin and eventually sold his soul to Lucifer. He never wanted to repent although he did cry out to God repeatedly in the text. What did he want? He wanted the best of both worlds (So typical of man). He wanted the love of God, the blessings of God, to go to Heaven, but he also wanted whatever the world could give him. To him, it was a bargain. He's telling God, "God. I can give my life to you if only I can have this and that." He keeps proclaiming that it's too late for him to repent but we all know that it's never too late to repent. Why do people knowingly know it's wrong but choose to do something that is wrong? Why do people like to live a life of regrets? Why do people only regret when something happens? Is there a thrill in doing that? Or are we just all trying to run away? We know what we shouldn't do, yet we choose to do so. We know what we should do, yet we refuse to do so. What are we? Living paradoxes? Staring into the Abyss,
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