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.The Abyss.

"The road to change is painful, and the road back into the light can sometimes be still kind of dark.." `Siang

Current Read:

.Didis and Gogos.

. Baby Microphone .
. Cherie .
. Chew Yue .
. Christine .
. Huiling .
. Huiying .
. Jane .
. Jiahui .
. Kenneth .
. Melissa .
. Salina .
. Soo Chin .
. Sun Ho .
. Roy .

.Rant & Rave.

.Past Ramblings.

February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007

Saturday, December 30, 2006

After tomorrow, we gotta bid 2006 goodbye and say hello to 2007. Time passes so incredibly quickly that sometimes its frightening.

I can safely say that 2006 have been not a bad year. Except for the death of my foster father, I guess everything's just fine. What more can I ask for?

Working for a year or so at Mitsui has certainly exposed me to the harsher reality of the world. How it is a "if it doesn't benefit me, why should I go the extra mile for you" world. Then I started doing my diploma in Mass Communications, something that the people around me have been telling me that I can do and should do. Well, I don't think I'm faring too bad except failing Econs.

Met new people, new classmates, new friends. I'm slowly adjusting to school and to the different personalities of my classmates, and not dreading school so much. At least, doing a presentation infront of the class is not as daunting as before and now I dare to "voice out" during discussions.

Joined a new CG at the end of April, and I must say that it is the highlight of the year. Had one of the best appreciation CG this year and I must really thank them for daring to trust and believe in someone like me to be part of the appreciation team. Learnt many new things from them and met many new nice friends.

Siang, a wonderful leader and friend. An amazing woman who is selflessness personified. You'll never find someone like her anywhere.

Jane, Joyce, Warren, the "serangoon kids" for bringing much joy into my life. Jane for always being so kind to send me home, or pick me up from home. Joyce for always being so fierce to me and insisting I can only drink when I reach 25. Warren for just being him.

My big sister Louisa, for showing me what loving people is really about. For always blessing me and insisting that she'll pay this round, and I'll treat her the next but it seems that she's always treating me.

Huiling, for making such an impact in my life when I was with her in the previous CGs. We've come a long way now, and I'm determined to make us last.

Cris & Hui Nah, the lovely couple who always seem to go the extra mile for everybody. Always inviting me over to their place and not minding me being a huge lightbulb. Cris for driving me around when I needed to go to some places, and Hui Nah, for being such a bubbly friend. Her crazy antics drives me mad yet she has a heart of gold. Thanks for trusting Jane and me enough to do your wedding montage.

Thow Wee, for always being so steady. Sometimes I wish I was half as witty as you. You definitely deserved the Most Outstanding Award.

Amazing people them all. My CG is full of amazing people and I'm so thankful that I'm able to be part of them. Looking forward to crossing over to the next year with ya guys. It's gonna be a great year for all of us. We're all gonna go from glory to glory.

Then there is Cherie who got attached this year and went to Oz to study. Really glad for ya gal, that what you're doing is really what you want to do. Though we hardly catch up now, partly due to the fact that you're neglecting me because of your boyfriend, but you know I still care and I still love ya. You and Sal will always be my "meet 3 times a year" friends.

Mel, for always being such a joy to go karaoke-ing and shopping with. You know I love you and I guess that's enough. Things are pretty tough for you now, but I'm sure everything will be fine. 2007 will be great year for ya!

Huiying, my boss Jiahui, and Soo Chin, for being a quiet inspiration to me. We don't get to talk so often now, but the 3 of you are still people I know I can turn to when I need ya.

All of you guys have been amazing and I really look forward to a greater 2007 with ya all.

Goodbye 2006. Hello 2007.

Will the world end when people are counting down on the 31st of December? I seriously wonder.

Staring into the Abyss,

10:18 PM
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Friday, December 22, 2006

It's 4:10a.m now and I'm still awake because my group and I are still not done with the powerpoint slides and report that we need for presentation and submission tomorrow later. It's a long story as to why we are still not done at this hour and it is definitely not because we did it last minute. Will blog more about it when I'm in the mood.

Meanwhile, my report for TPSW got rejected again! Gosh! I can't believe this is happening. It's not like my content is wrong, it's just the format. Argh! Anyway, have already re-printed the report - this time in draft copy (saves alot of ink). Gotta be in school by 8:30a.m for a run through and lecture starts at 9. I seriously cannot wait for the semester to end tomorrow. I'm so sick of powerpoint slides and reports now. And, just now Levin msn-ed me saying:

GLORY.OF.A.BOY-01398 says:
GLORY.OF.A.BOY-01398 says:
all my work gone!!!
kAeJ says:

Thank God he had backup copies, if not I will be laughing my head off at his plight.

Anyway, on a lighter note, my CG went caroling last Saturday and we had a blast of a time. To cut the long story short, I'll borrow Jane's Top 10 highlights of Caroling 2006 and show you guys a picture or two. :)

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10. The yummy food. Every family is just so generous about feeding us after each session of caroling. Sweet.

9. The thrill of playing with tamborines & whistles. what a joyful noise we made.

8. Car pooling. Quite fun to drive, racing each other around from east to north then back to east.

7. Out of the 5 christmas songs we sung, we sang Jingle bells the Best!

6. The great fellowship & unity built together as we focused to shine for God thru caroling.

5. The thought of turning pro with caroling.

4. Total no of house visits: 5
Total no of people being sung to: More than 20

3. God turning our voices angelic.

2. Neighbours from surrounding HDBs peering thru their windows to hear us sing as well.

1. Seeing people's faces light up, not because we set up christmas tree in their house but that we actually brought joy into their lives.

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Staring into the Abyss,

4:08 AM
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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

This is the 6th time I am re-doing my report for the module: Techniques of Professional writing and speaking and it is frustrating the hell out of me. I printed my report like 1001 times and the lecturer is still not satisfied. It's not only my report that he is rejecting. Out of 120 students, he probably only accepted 10. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother to re-do when it's only worth 10 marks. Gee.

It's been raining and raining and raining that it feels like England. Not that I've been to England, but they say England is always raining and gloomy. It's funny how we are always complaining about the sweltering heat and wishing it would rain and then when it rains for 2 consecutive days, we pray for the Sun to come out to play. We, human beings are indeed ironic.

Today I had a project discussion with K & N for our presentation on Friday and we agreed to meet at 11:30a.m in school. Knowing that they will be late, I left my house only at 11:15a.m and reached school at about 11:50a.m. In the end, they only reached at 12:20a.m and I was kinda pissed that I was made to wait like a fool. Nevertheless, I guess they were late because of the rain. Afterall, when they reached, they told me that they almost got into an accident when the car they were traveling in almost hit a BMW who had cut into their lane without signaling. But people, please, Punctuality is a virtue!

And so, since I'm on the topic of school, here's a picture or 2 of my classmates:

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This is Levin in green striped shirt and matching green umbrella. This boy (he's only 17) sings and sings and never stops singing.

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Lynn, Me, Kristal, Zi Hui & Azura posing for a picture after a presentation 2 weeks ago.

Well, last week before we go off for our study break and then the exams. Looking forward to the break even though it's not a break.

Staring into the Abyss,

10:54 PM
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Sunday, December 17, 2006

Presenting my niece.... Kaydence Ang!!

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Born on the 11th of December, this little bundle of joy has brought joy galore upon my auntie's family and my own family.

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Babies are God's most amazing creations.

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Staring into the Abyss,

9:50 PM
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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I know I'm kinda late but I just wanna welcome, baby Ian Ezra into this world! Born on the 28th of November 2006, to my lovely ex-colleague Hazadilla & metal-man. Welcome Baby Ian!

Congrats Metal-man & Dilla! May your little bundle of joy bring you both much joy and happiness in the family. And may Baby Ian Ezra grow up healthy and happy. :)

Presenting.... baby Ian Ezra!

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Staring into the Abyss,

2:27 PM
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Sunday, December 10, 2006

Yesterday was Melissa's birthday, and my love, I'm so sorry for dedicating a belated entry to you! (Been very busy la)

Anyway, Mel is a friend that I really thank God for. She's beautiful, has a kind heart, and always making me laugh with her stupid and crazy antics. The question she always ask me when she sees me is, "Why you so grumpy today?" I don't know why but it seems I'm always looking grumpy to her.

Mel, hope you had a great birthday this year despite the fact that so much has happened. You know that you're not alone and I'll always be there when you need someone. I appreciate our friendship and I love you for all of you. Guess it's not a nice period for you now, but do cheer up. I believe that things will get better.

Love you lots and may all your fondest wishes and deepest desires come true. Happy Belated Birthday!!

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So sorry! I stole your picture from Friendster! =P

Staring into the Abyss,

10:52 PM
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Friday, December 08, 2006

And so, I woke up late this morning at 10a.m when my lecture was at 9a.m. My phone had to choose today to malfunction (the alarm clock rang with no sound). N called at 10 to ask if I was coming. I woke up in shock and told him that I will reach the school by 10:30a.m and to wait for me.

I rushed, took a cab down to school but at 10:20a.m, N msg-ed me and said, "we seen him liao."

I replied, "..."

N asid, "He was asking for groups and he kept looking at us. Not our fault what."

Yeah. I didn't say it's anyone's fault. It's my own fault for being late. But, the lecture ends at 12noon, and I'm very sure that there are groups who have yet to seen him. I reached the lecture theatre at 10:30a.m. sharp. Couldn't you even give me some grace? And then, now we're just sitting in the lecture theatre talking, and "beautifying" our powerpoint slides.

If I told you I'll reach at 10:30a.m, and I reached at 10:35a.m, then fine, you can tell me "you were late what."

I'm not trying to defend myself because I know that it was my own fault for being late. But surely, there could be a way to make things better?

Oh well, whoever said that life is fair?

Staring into the Abyss,

10:53 AM
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Today, as I was having dinner with my CG to celebrate Simon's brithday, I received a call from K at 8:50p.m telling me that we have to meet to do the slides that we have to show our lecturer tomorrow.

Apparently, N and D who were at the national library doing research needed help in analysing the newspaper articles that they had just found. After a couple of angry calls, with K being frustrated with N, and N being frustrated with everyone and everything, we agreed to meet at the MacDonald's at Ang Mo Kio. Cris gave me a lift there from Marina Square and I reached AMK at approximately 11p.m.

K was already there and while waiting for N, we talked and bitched. N arrived close to 12a.m and we got down to work. Seriously speaking, our brains were already dead from all the late nights rushing different presentations and reports that when we analyzed the newspaper articles, we could only just read. As the time passed, we started becoming cranky and we just kept laughing and laughing at everything and anything.

D joined us at about 2:45a.m, and we carried on doing our slides till 3:30a.m. K and I left while N and D remained cuz N said that if he went back home to sleep, he will never wake up for the morning lecture.

Well, I'm home now and it's 4a.m in the morning. What I got to do now is to edit our report on the Business Culture on Sweden because we forgot to do double spacing and we have to it in by tomorrow. If time permits, maybe I will catch an hour or 2 of sleep before a full day lecture later. So tired.

Staring into the Abyss,

3:54 AM
(2) comments

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Last night, I was rushing my report with my group mates and we finally finished the report at 330a.m. in the morning. I swear I don't even study so hard for my exams! But anyway, it is done and I was telling my group mates that if the lecturer changes his mind and say that we don't have to hand up the report today, I'll slap the lecturer and slap the person who told me the report was due today.

Working in groups have made me realised that it is not easy working together. You meet so many different kinds of people with different personalities and work ethics that it will require some skill to work together without any disagreements.

At the end of the day, if one doesn't contribute, I don't think that someone should get the marks that the rest of the group work so hard for. And I don't think I'm oblige to add her name just because she's my classmate. For harmony's sake, I will not remove her name from the report, but I'm never going to work with her again.

So, two down. Now I'm left with one more report + presentation to write, and another report to finalise. Then, it's exams, exams, exams. What a life.

Staring into the Abyss,

10:59 AM
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Monday, December 04, 2006

Datelines, datelines and more datelines. Talk about Christmas coming.

Tomorrow morning, I have a presentation on the business culture in Sweden. We're now trying to finalise our report. Can you imagine summarising 7000 over words into a 2000 words report?

And then, after presenting and submitting our report, we'll have to prepare the slides for another module's presentation by the 8th of December so that the lecturer can go through and tell us where we've gone wrong and what we can change. We're doing about the Nuclear Test in North Korea and how it is represented in the Media. This module is the worst and the most difficult.

Next, I'll also need to finish up a report for my social behavioral science module. KO has finshing tabulating the results to the survey we conducted and tomorrow we'll discuss during lunch what to include in our report.

Econs re-exam on the 9th of December, and I think I'm going to flunk it again. Got to prepare myself for LN to laugh at me if I really do fail the re-exam. Sigh.

Whole sememster will end on the 22nd of December.

Study week is from the 25th-31st of Decemeber.

Exams are from the 1st-15th of January.

Festive mood? What festive mood?

Staring into the Abyss,

11:53 PM
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Sunday, December 03, 2006

On Friday, I was honoured to be invited to Cris & Hui Nah's place for dinner. Ok, Hui Nah & I were actually discussing where to go for dinner when she suggested that we go to her place and she would cook Italian food. According to her, it was her first time cooking for 4 people - Cris, herself, me and Linda (her ex cg member & the person who did her wedding video) so I took some pictures to show everyone her culinary skills. I must say that she whipped up quite a tasty meal. We had meatball spaghetti. Here are the photos and it's called, "In the Kitchen with Hui Nah". Enjoy. :)

A trip to the supermarket before the actual cooking begins..

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Chef Hui Nah posing as she prepares the ingredients..

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First, you put the spaghetti into the pot to boil..

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And then, you pour the sauce into the pan..

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Now, you stir the sauce to ensure that it doesn't splatter all over your stove..

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Robin Leong in the movie, "One Leg Kicking" makes a guest appearance..

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According to Chef Nah, you need to pour running water over the spaghetti so that it wouldn't stick together..

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Presentation is extremely important too!

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Ta dah! Yummy meatball Spaghetti by Chef Hui Nah..

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Exclusive footages behind the Kitchen!

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Thanks Hui Nah for such a wonderful meal. Really had a good time fellowshiping with you even though you forgot to invite Jasmine along. :P Looking forward to the next "In the Kitchen with Hui Nah"!

Staring into the Abyss,

1:09 AM
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