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.The Abyss.
Current Read: .Didis and Gogos. . Cherie . . Chew Yue . . Christine . . Huiling . . Huiying . . Jane . . Jiahui . . Kenneth . . Melissa . . Salina . . Soo Chin . . Sun Ho . . Roy . .Rant & Rave. .Past Ramblings. March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 |
Thursday, January 25, 2007 Other than Sir Alex Ferguson and J, the other male person that I would really like to meet is HK actor, Moses Chan, otherwise known as 陈豪. I remember the first HK serial that made me notice him was 絕世好爸 (Family Man). I loved this show and Huiying will remember it because I kept narrating the story to her on MSN. Recently, SCV has been showing TV serials starring him one after another, and I can't help but think that he's very cute. There is, 金枝慾孽 (War and Beauty, showing also on channel U), 妙手仁心 III (Healing Hands III), 胭脂水粉 (The Charm Beneath, which just concluded), and 心花放 (Love Bond). So many shows starring him, and I do wonder if he's hardworking or is it just a coincident that he is acting in all of them. I think he's quite cute and although my cousin Teresa insists that he looks weird because he doesn't have a chin (which I kinda agree after intense scrutiny), I still think he is quite charming. Well, God is fair and the world is not perfect. David Beckham is the best example, he has the body to die for (well, one of my classmate is willing to sleep with him everyday if he pays her 120,000 pounds a week. I might consider too, actually.), the good looks to swoon at, and money that can last his family many many many years, but unfortunately, he speaks like Mickey Mouse. So it doesn't matter whether Moses Chan has a chin or not. I think he's cute and I'll add him to my "People I wanna meet (Male list)". ;) ![]() ![]() Staring into the Abyss,
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Tuesday, January 23, 2007 It broke her heart when she learnt that her son Jerald was embezzling company funds. Jerald was married with 3 kids and at a point of his life, was declared bankrupt. He didn't have much education, and he didn't earn much. But that didn't stop him from wanting to live a life of luxury. He spent what little money he had sprucing his car with electronics, fitting air-cons in every room of the flat he was living with his family. When he was declared bankrupt, his wife held 2 jobs to sustain the family. The family fought everyday because of their mounting monetary woes. The children needed money to pay for their books, transport, uniform, school shoes and money was needed to put food on the table. His wife resented him for failing to fulfil his role as a husband and a father, and his children despised him. He found a job in Thailand and promised to send money back every payday. Then the calls for help started to come. First he had an accident over in Thailand and needed money to settle the case. And then on many other occasions, he needed money because he had to put back into the company's fund if not he'll end up in jail. She couldn't not help him. He was her son, and if she didn't help, who would? Time and again, she would scold, and lecture him, telling him that she doesn't have so much money to give him. She always said she wasn't going to help him anymore. But she always did at the end of the day. He was her son after all. To date, he has taken more that $15,000 from her and still asking for money. She doesn't know if he's lying, and his family calls everyday to complain. What can she do? It torments her to know that her grandchildren are suffering. It breaks her heart to know that her son is such a loser. It troubles her deeply and yet she can only cry silently in her bedroom. But blood is always thicker than water. She cannot leave him to die. But how long more can she help? How much more money can she give when she doesn't even work and he keeps asking for more? How much more heartaches can she take? The tears she cries at night, no one sees. The pain she feels in her heart, no one knows. She wonders to herself, "when will he change and give me something to be happy about? who's gonna help him when I die? Aleady at the age of 50, when will he ever realise his mistake and learn from it? My silent anguish, who will ever know?" Staring into the Abyss,
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Monday, January 22, 2007 Last night, at the 94th minute, King Henry who scores a header once in a blue moon, popped up, and headed a goal into the back of Man Utd's goal and stole 2 points from us. Yesterday must have been a blue moon and how ironic, Man Utd were in their blue away strip. Words cannot explain how I feel when the goal went in, except that it really felt like a tight slap on the face. The feeling was awful and it made me sick in the stomach. I went to sleep after the match but I couldn't fall asleep as I kept thinking about the match. But even though we didn't take the opportunity to go 9-points clear at the top with Chelsea's loss against Liverpool, we still have a 6 points lead and with 14 games to go, I am believing in my heart and crossing my fingers that Man Utd will emerge Champions at the end of the season. The feeling still sucks though... ![]() The look on Fergie's face says it all... Staring into the Abyss,
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Friday, January 19, 2007 Never expected to be able to see a rainbow from where I live, but surprisingly, after the 10 minutes of heavy downpour, a big beautiful rainbow appeared outside my house. My big sister says God's face is smiling at me. I wonder if it's true. ![]() ![]() Baby Kaydence is growing cuter and cuter each day. Her biological clock is kinda screwed up and she looks like this from 10p.m - 2a.m in the morning. I can spend hours just looking at her sleep. This little sweetie cheers me up more than anything. ![]() Today's also PK's birthday. Known her since OBS time and some of you will know about the "scandal" hehe. But anyway, Happy birthday PK! May all your fondest wishes come true and may the good Lord bless you in everything that you do. Staring into the Abyss,
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I just received an email that read, pick up the phone now! Best regards, Anna Oh (Ms.) Student Services MDIS UniCampus 501 Stirling Road Singapore 148951 DID: +65 6796 7737 Fax: +65 6796 7999 http://www.mdis.edu.sg/ I thought it was very funny. Anna is the student co-ordinator for my batch and I emailed her 2 days ago as I had some questions to ask her about re-moduling my Econs paper. Apparently, she called me twice on the day I sent the email but I missed her call as I was cooking my instant noodle. I didn't return the call because her number was unfamiliar and I thought if it was urgent, she'll call me again. The next day, Anna called again and I missed her call again. My phone is usually on silent mode, that's why I kept missing her call. Back at home, I received an email from her asking me if my number was still in use as she has been trying very hard to reach me. I replied and then I walked out of my room. 10 minutes later, I returned and realised I missed her call again and when I checked my email, I saw the email asking me to pick up the phone now. It was so funny. I called her back immediately and she said, "Aiyo! So hard to get you! You got secret admirers constantly calling you is it? That's why you don't want to pick up the phone?" Anna is really funny. Well, I was told that I'll start my Econs re-module on April 16th (I would have graduated by then), but after speaking to Anna, she allowed me to join the evening classes which starts on 28th February. This means that on some days I'll have lectures from 9am-10pm because the evening lecture is from 7pm-10pm. Gonna be quite tiring but I guess this is the price I have to pay for failing Econs. Hopefully I'll make it this time. Staring into the Abyss,
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Thursday, January 18, 2007 Sometimes we like to do things on impulse without thinking of the big picture. For that temporal gain/pleasure/satisfaction, we don't mind making the wrong choices even though we jolly well know we'll regret big time after that. We know what to do, but it's having to make the decision to do what is right that is so difficult. Guess it's time to look further and to see the picture as a whole, and not just the surface of the picture. I think I am just not big enough to overcome. Trying hard but maybe not hard enough. Staring into the Abyss,
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Monday, January 15, 2007 Start of the last semester today and I think that it's gonna be a very stressful 4 months. Had graduation project briefing today and I gotta come up with a project outline by the 24th of February. School didn't start on a very good note today with 2 members from my clique quarreling with each other over certain issues. We're forced to take stands and it's kinda sad to see friends ignoring each other over a small matter. Sometimes I'm glad that this is the last semester. Choosing groups to work in was a massive headache because there are certain people we swore during the previous semester that we won't work with again this semester but it seems like we have to work together again this semester. It's like, "If he's in, I'm out. Simple as that.", "No. I don't think I can work with her. We'll fight.", "I don't want her leh. I don't like her.", "Are you sure you want to work with him again?" We're doing Television and Radio production this semester and we have to work in groups of minimun 6, and maximum 8. Kinda hard trying to find 6 members that we can all work together with. Don't seem to have any room for compromise and I might have to work with people I don't wanna work with again this semester. But the project is kinda fun. We get to work in the studio to do a news presentation. So we'll be the camera man, the floor manager, the producer, the newscaster, the reporter and we get to write our own news story. Everything's gonna be recorded and done "live". Another assignment will require us to do a simple video production or a radio talk show program. We'll get to play with cameras, learn how to shoot, write scripts and storyboards, and learn how to edit our masterpiece. Quite exciting. This semester's modules consists of Television and Radio Production, Journalism & News Broadcasting, Public Relations: Strategy & Effective Practice, and Advertising: Strategy & Effective Practice. I'm not exactly looking forward to it but neither am I dreading it. And to sum up a not so good day, I flunked my Econs paper again. This time it's F@ which means, F at Resit. If I don't clear this stupid Econs paper, it'll cost me my diploma, and the thought of it is making sick. Just thinking about having to remodule Econs is so depressing. Staring into the Abyss,
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Friday, January 12, 2007 And so, my exams are finally over! After 2 weeks of mugging, the dreaded exams are finally over. Don't think I'll do very well, but since it's already over, I will ponder about it no more. Gone are the long nights of memorising notes and the incessant sms-es and msn messages coming in saying, "Can you email me the format of report, letter and memo writing?", "Can I borrow your textbook tomorrow to photocopy? And please bring along all the important notes.", "which is the most important chapter in the book to study?" Now, instead of celebrating the completion of my exams, I'll be drowning my sorrows in alcohol as I begin my graduation project briefing and the start of my last semester on Monday. Looks like the rain's not gonna stop. Wondering what's happening up there. Why's Heaven so sad? Staring into the Abyss,
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Monday, January 08, 2007 I guess at the end of the day, life is about looking beyond the "I". Doesn't matter how many times you've been hit, doesn't matter how many times you lose, what really matters is whether you have the courage to wipe away the tears and the blood to stand up again. There are times I wonder why I get different treatment from the others, and times I wonder why I always have to be the one taking all the blame. I've always felt that it didn't matter to me how they treat me but sometimes, the pain from the hurt and the rejection is unbearable. Well, I'm only human and no matter how hard I try to be immune, the reality of the truth is sometimes it's not so easy. Everytime it happens, I question about my existence. My self-esteem is dealt blows after blows and I don't even get a chance to retaliate. I try to my make voice heard, but often it is drowned by the other voices of criticism, cynism and sometimes hate. J once said, "when the soul is dead, it doesn't matter if you're alive." My heart is filled with immense hatred and sometimes I feel as though this hatred and bitterness is going to overwhelm me. The feeling sucks.. Being the pessimist that I am, my cup is always half-empty. I don't believe I'll make it good in life because that's what everyone has been telling me. I don't believe I'm big enough to breakthrough from my situations. I don't believe that there will be light at the end of the tunnel. I just don't believe and I don't want to believe. But know what's the greatest sin of all? Unfortunately, it's unbelief... Look beyond the "I". Life is more than what it can offer you, it's about what you can offer life. Staring into the Abyss,
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Wednesday, January 03, 2007 On New Year's day, I attended Geneca's 21st birthday party. I've known her for a few years now and she was part of the studying group I had when I was back at SAC. I remember she was the ah ma then and we really had alot of fun studying, talking, eating and doing everything together. The family consisted of Jiali as the daddy, Yan Qi as the mummy, Geneca as the ah Ma, Jiating as the big sister, Serena as my daughter, and me as the small sister. It was kinda weird seeing them all together that day. I only kept in regular contact with Serena on MSN and the occasional dinners when I was at Jurong West and she in NTU. I never really liked such gatherings because it'll make me feel very down after that. Afterall, most of them are in University and going on Year 2, 2nd Semester, while I am still doing a diploma. It is during such gatherings that I feel my confidence is on an all time low, and I really loathe the, "so what are you doing now?" question. Kinda felt really out of place there. :( Anyway, then Hui Nah & Cris called and suggested going out. We ended up at Pasir Ris, walked through the Maze and then ventured into the Mangrove Swamp where Cris constantly frightened me and even made an attempt to throw a lizard at me. Tsk. That Uncle Cris... Had my 1st paper today and it was a 3 hour paper. I could choose 5 questions out of 8 to answer and I had 9 chapters to cover. In the end, I took a risk and only memorised 8 chapters. Thankfully, I could answer all 5 questions, and even had 1 hour left to spare. Sometimes I think the duration for such papers is too long. Spent 45 minutes vomitting out, or rather regurgitating all that I've memorised and I think I only forgot 1 sub-point which is kinda good considering that I had 8 chapters to memorise. Met Kristal & Levin to study at a cafe in Serangoon Central yesterday, and in the end, we ended up at Kristal's place, playing mahjong for 1 hour. Tsk. Tsk. On a lighter note, got my time table for next semester which starts on the 15th, and thank thank thank God, Devaki is NOT our lecturer for "Television and Radio production". Alrighty, back to mug. To put on record, I'm aiming for 3As and 1B for this exam. :) Staring into the Abyss,
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Monday, January 01, 2007 Happy 2007 people! Had a great year end service in the morning followed by lunch with my wonderful CG at Parkway. Went home, studied abit and went to my aunt's place to play with baby Kaydence. Then it was off to my big sister's new house to countdown with my CG. Had a breathtaking view of the fireworks from her place and it was great counting down to the new year with wonderful people like them. May 2007 be the best year yet for ya all! Have a blessed and properous 2007! And then the harsh reality sinks in. 1st paper on the 3rd. Sigh. What a way to start 2007. (WHY LIKE THAT?!) Staring into the Abyss,
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